پیام تسلیت شیخ ابراهیم زکزاکی در پی شهادت سیدحسن نصرالله

شیخ ابراهیم زکزاکی در پی شهادت سید حسن نصرالله (رضوان الله تعالی علیه)، دبیرکل حزب الله لبنان، پیام تسلیتی صادر نمود.

متن پیام به این شرح است:

profoundly affected and disturbed by this news, especially given the brutal and appalling circumstances surrounding it. This act of terrorism evokes memories of the tragedy of Karbala, where the Master of Martyrs lost his life alongside his family and companions.

We have not seen such brutality in our history, and it is unprecedented in our time. Our hearts are heavy with grief, but we take comfort in knowing that martyrdom is a noble end.

We are in a testing ground, and no one is guaranteed tomorrow. However, we are confident that our beloved Sayyid Nasrallah has fulfilled his duty, leading the resistance movement for nearly 40 years.

The enemies rejoice at his martyrdom, but their joy will be short-lived. Sayyid Nasrallah’s legacy lives on, and his resistance will continue until victory.

We condemn this heinous act and offer our condolences to the family of Sayyid Nasrallah and the entire resistance movement.

May Allah Almighty hasten the reappearance of our Imam, and may He bring an end to this oppression. May He grant patience and strength to the resistance movement and all oppressed people.

The blood of Sayyid Nasrallah will not go in vain. His martyrdom will be avenged, and the resistance will emerge victorious.

To the oppressors, we say: your joy will be short-lived. Your end is near, and you will soon face justice.

To the people, we urge you to heed this lesson: choose between oppression and resistance. Will you align yourselves with the oppressors or with those who strive for freedom?

God willing, we will witness victory in this world and the hereafter.

Condolences to the family of Sayyid Nasrallah and the entire resistance movement.”